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  • Lunch & Learn Talk

    At Your Career Matters, we provide lunch & learn talk on cultural  integration for foreign employees and mental wellness for supervisory level employees.
    Lunch and Learn is an informal training session held during lunch hours, providing employees with the chance to gain valuable insights while enjoying their meal. The program comes in bite-sized learning with content that can be easily understood.
Lunch & Learn Talk

Lunch & Learn Talk on Cultural Integration 
(For Expat and Work pass holder)

In this lunch and learn talk, we help foreign employee  (including expatriate) to adapt to local workplace and local culture. 

In each of our talk, we will be focusing on
  • cross-cultural awareness
  • understand how culture plays a part in the way people think, feel and act (ie. time management and ethic)
  • adjust personal bias & working style for contributing to a diverse work environment

Lunch & Talk on Employee Mental Wellness 

We believe employee plays a vital role in organisational growth and hence we decide to focus on employee wellbeing in our HR consultancy work.


Singapore is being placed as the forth most overworked city in the world.


Research made by Mercer in August 2022 has revealed that half of the workforce in Singapore feel stressed everyday and one in three employees are considering resigning in the next six months. As a HR consulting companies, many times we noticed employers and HR does not have the space and resources to handle this and it often leads to sudden departure of a particular employee or unexpected huge employee turnover which impacts productivity and business profitability.


At Your Career Matters, we help employers and HR to build a more resilient workforce by partnering with licensed practitioners (including wellness coaches, therapists and even psychologist) on reducing employee mental wellness issue with talent management approach.

The topics we cover during lunch and learn are : 

- Stress Management

- Coping with insomnia

- Breathing Exercise

- Emotion Management (Individual level & Team level)

- Health and Wellness at Work

- Improving Self-awareness

- Mental Wellness

- How to stay productive under pressure

- Self-care for go beyond ( for Middle-Class Parents)

- Raising children with resilience (for Parents)


What we offer our clients

Lunch & Learn Talk

In all our lunch and learn talk, we provide a simple lunch box

(based on the topic) together with handouts / writing materials and

We charge a flat fee for our programs. 

Consultancy Service Project

We are offering consultancy service in a project setting for organisations. For our project, we will start off with need analysis & assessment follow by recommendation.

For cultural integration project, we will support  clients in their grants application, design and implement activities.